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New installation Sphider Pro version 3.3


Sphider pro version 3.3 has been developed with a custom installation interface. This allows you to install Sphider Pro with minimum effort.

Once you have your web space (shared hosting, vps or dedicated server) ready you will need to upload all the files and folders to your server. Your server will need to be able to use mysql database connections. Next you will need to create a mysql database. The database will need to be created with two mysql users.

The first mysql user should be created with the privileges of select and insert only.

The second mysql user is for the admin control and should be granted all privileges.

When the files and folders have been uploaded and your mysql database has been created you will need to open a browser and go to the install.php script like so:


The first page you will see is shown below; this is the database connection details for the users off your website. The details entered here should be that of the first mysql user created with only select and insert privileges.

Sphider Pro instalation image 1


After you have entered your details click the button submit and test. The Sphider Pro installation will now check your mysql database connection details. This will take a few seconds and as long as you have entered your details correctly and a connection can be established you will be presented with a screen as below:

Sphider Pro instalation image 2

You can now click continue to step two. This is very similar to the last step but you will now enter your second mysql user details for the admin control.

After the connection details have been tested for your admin control you will be taken to step 3. This will install your mysql database tables for you. This will only take a few seconds and you will be presented with a successful installation of your database tables like the screen shot below.

Sphider Pro instalation image 3

After you click continue you will see a screen as shown below. This is where you will now enter your admin control login details.

Please make sure you enter a valid email address. Sphider Pro Admin control is protected by a secure md5 login function. Your email address will be required in order for you to reset your password should you forget it.

Sphider Pro instalation image 4

Your Sphider Pro installation is now complete and you will see the screen as show below. You can now click admin login to be taken to the secure login function.

Sphider Pro instalation image 5




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Article details
Article ID: 3
Category: Sphider pro installation
Date added: 2013-09-03 13:16:55
Views: 7251
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (84)

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