Sphider Pro Support
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Knowledgebase is a categorized collection of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) and articles. You can read articles in this category or select a subcategory that you are interested in.  

» Subcategories:

Sphider pro installation
New installation Sphider Pro version 3.3
Activating crons
Installing pdftotext.exe
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Sphider Pro Licence
Invalid licence on Instalation
I have changed my domain name
Invalid licence after Admin Login
Server requirements
Sphider Pro version 3.3 server Requirements
Sphider Pro Admin Control
Sphider Pro Login
Sphider Pro Updates
Sphider Pro version 3.3
Common questions
Sphider Pro image indexing
Can I index pdf files with Sphider Pro?
Indexing .pdf files returns no text or html
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Feature List
Sphider Pro Admin Statistics
Clean tables Features
Full Featurs of version 3.3
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» Articles in this category:


No articles yet in this category


» Top Knowledgebase articles: Views
» Latest Knowledgebase articles: Date added
 Sphider Pro Admin Statistics 2013-09-18 09:37:10
 Clean tables Features 2013-09-18 08:00:08
 Activating crons 2013-09-17 15:58:22
 During indexing 2013-09-17 12:20:13
 Sphider Pro image indexing 2013-09-17 09:54:45
 Sphider Pro v 3.3 indexing options 2013-09-17 09:07:02

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